Computer? eReader? Hardcover Book?



I’ve set my reading goals for 2013.

This year, I’m going to try to read more WordPress authors. I presently have twenty-four books on my computer that have been written by WP bloggers. I haven’t read sixteen of them.

Do you fine folks know that I have a Nook Tablet? I’m not the only one. Over five million Nooks Imagehave been sold now. I get pretty frustrated with the fact that many titles are only available through Amazon and their Kindle. Even after some authors go through a 90-day exclusivity with Amazon, their books are only at Barnes & Noble via paperback or hardcover – or not at all. My Susan Hunter books are only in eBook format, but they are everywhere, and twenty-five percent of my sales are occurring outside of Amazon. I’m just sayin’.

Not one to be thwarted, I downloaded Kindle for PC, so I could read Kindle books on my computer. In all fairness to Carrie Rubin, it became such a habit to run to Amazon to purchase WP-authored books, I forgot to look at Barnes & Noble first when buying The Seneca ImageScourge, and it was available for the Nook.

I can read blogs all day long. Truly. But reading blogs is interactive. Read, comment, follow links, watch videos, etc.  Reading a book on the computer is not conducive to my personality, and I find it more difficult to “get lost in a book” on the computer.

When I read Tim Dittmer’s The Valley Walker on my computer, I felt terrible that it took me a couple of months to read it. His book is unique in that it has 93 short chapters, and I admit to reading only a few at a time before my hyper personality would send me somewhere else. His book is no longer exclusive to Amazon and is now available for Nook, too.

I just finished Valerie Clarizio’s Cookies for Santa this weekend. I started it at Christmas, and what should have taken me a day or two took a month. The delay in reading was mostly because I was reading it on my computer (where the blogs live and clamor for attention).

You may be wondering by now how I’m going to read sixteen books this year if it takes me Imageso long to read just one. Well, my new Kindle Paperwhite (no ads, thank you) has been ordered and will be here this coming Friday, that’s how. And I’m excited!

What am I going to read first? I’m going to finish two books I started far too long ago. The first is Gordon Kessler’s Knight’s Big Easy. I was enjoying this book, but for some reason, I stopped reading on the computer and never went back to it. The same with Anne Mitchell’s Happy Hour.

Saturday night, I sat down in the easy chair in Rich’s den, threw a blanket over my lap, and started reading Janet Evanovich’s most Imagerecent book, Notorious Nineteen. A hardcover book with a dustjacket, a new book smell, and pages to turn … it was heaven!


Reading in the easy chair, or even in bed, with an eReader is just fine, and that is what I’ll be doing for most of my reading this year. I’ll be ecstatic to say good-bye to Kindle for PC, and I’ll grab a hardcover book to read when I need a “real book” fix every now and then.

What about you? Any thoughts on who or what you will be reading this year? How many formats do you use for reading? If you read on your computer, does it bother you as much as it bothers me?

104 thoughts on “Computer? eReader? Hardcover Book?

  1. Agreed – I don’t love reading books on my computer. I have several pages open at once and a similar hyper personality to you – jumping from one to another. Blog, facebook, work email, home email etcetc.

    For christmas my youngest gave me an iPad mini and it is wonderful! It’s become my kindle…

    I love hardcover books too of course and will never stop buying them – have a heap as yet unread but also a lot of blog authors on my iPad to read this year 🙂

  2. Oh, and Maddie didn’t mention it, but if you feel like downloading awesome books, there’s this guy David Harding who is awesome. (He tells me the prices of his books are set by the publisher so don’t whinge at him. Besides, paying a hundred bucks would be good value – he is so awesome.)
    Also, can’t read on computer or tablet as it’s too eye burny. Love my kindle though, always have. Never read so much!

    • I love my Nook, too. The Kindle will seem boring as it will only bring books to me and not pretty, shiny things – like Netflix, and Pandora, and game apps. But it will serve its purpose.

      Yes, David Hardiing is awesome, and his books are as well, but the correct answer from you was, “Why, I’ll be reading more Susan Hunter books this year, of course!”

  3. I also find it hard to get into a book on the PC, too many distractions.

    As for what I prefer — I like hardback or paperback for while I am home. I use the Kindle app on my iPhone, or iPad while away from home. Then there is the ocational use of iBook. The majority of my eBook purchases has been through Kindle.

    As for publishing my own books — my book ‘Revenge So Sweet’ I made available on all eBook readers. Having only seen sales on Kindle has me thinking for my next book ‘The Harvest’, I will be making it exclusive for Kindle. But that might change.

    • Exclusive to Kindle and utilizing their free days during that time seems to work well for some people. It might be worth it for you to give it a go, but then be sure to cover all other outlets again. It took a while for sales to show through Smashwords distribution, but they are picking up for me – mostly through B&N and Kobo.

  4. Congratulations on your Kindle! =D I used to read eBooks on the computer and I was always distracted by the vast and wonderful internet, haha. Now that I have a tablet I’m reading at a much faster pace!
    I mostly buy paperbacks and ebooks. Hardcovers are pretty, but I’m a functional person and recognize that I can buy two paperbacks for the price of one hardcover – profit!
    I’ve already read one of Dianne’s books this year, and next I’m planning to read Tim’s book. Probably check out another of your books. 😉 And that’s without mentioning the 20+ paperbacks currently waiting on my shelf!

    • Zen, because I used to go to so many used book sales at libraries, I’ve amassed a large library of like-new hardcover books – for 50 cents to $1.00 each. I definitely want to start reading on those, too.

      Concentrating on the computer really took a lot of effort. I can’t wait to get into your book, Carrie’s, Dianne’s, Hook’s — so many look good, and I’m sure the list will grow this year.

  5. I never had much luck reading on the computer. I just couldn’t focus or get into it at all. A tablet makes things a bit easier, though I still very much prefer tangible books. I honestly don’t like hardcovers too much. They look awesome, but you can’t do too much with them! They have two modes: ‘open’ and ‘closed.’ You can’t make the covers move in any way if you need it. That and I always need to remove the dust jacket so it doesn’t get damaged at all (preference).

    I follow a ton of writers on G+, so I have a lot of their books to read, but I also want to read books by other WordPressers. I know for certain I have yours to read, now that you’ve mentioned Tim’s book I’ll have to check that one out as well… basically this year will probably be focused on all the indie writers amidst anything I get on my frequent trips to the library.

    • I had softcovers when I was a kid (meaning, probably all through school). I used to turn corners down, write in them, they would get wet, etc. Somewhere along the way, I bought a hardcover book with a dustjacket, and I felt like a grownup. I loved reading a “big” book. 🙂 I take dustjackets off, too, while I’m reading.

      I won’t be offended if you don’t read any of my books, Daniel. They’re written in first person, and they’re chick lit. I know both of those things put my books out of your reading preference. If you’re ever curious though, Zen has my permission to give you a copy. 😉

      Oh!! And I’ve been wanting to grab your book, The Dream Sanctum. I just took care of that!

      • Hey, chick lit is something I enjoy. 😀 I’d say it’s a guilty pleasure, but I feel no guilt! I already bought the first one last night, but I appreciate it. 😀

  6. I far prefer a real book made from paper. I do have a Kindle. I bought it due to peer pressure and don’t really read many books on it… I appreciate that ereaders are bringing reading material closer/in a speedier fashion. But for me, there’s nothing quite like the physical experience of reading a book. 🙂

    Love that you’ve highlighted all of these different reading titles. 🙂

  7. I don’t like to read on my computer either. I spend enough time there as it is. And although the majority of my book purchases are now e-books, I still love reading a paper version here and there.

    Thanks so much for the mention. Much appreciated!

    • I think that was part of the problem. I like to get comfortable when I read, and sitting at the computer is not “reading-comfy.” And so many distractions. … You are welcome for the mention. I’m looking forward to finally reading your book!

  8. I have a very difficult time reading on my computer as well. I find myself easily distracted by other things such as emails popping up or news alerts.

    I love my kindle for reading in bed or in the car but sometimes I just plain feel like holding a paper copy of a book:)

    Thanks for reading my book, Maddie!

  9. I started reading paperbacks when I was 12. I used to buy books (mostly series), but I eventually realized that I don’t tend to re-read a book (unless it’s really worth it), so I settled in borrowing books from friends. This gesture allows me to finish the book right away because someone else will read it after I did.

    Then came the eBooks. I only learned (and got used) to reading them in my phone last year. A colleague of mine taught me how, and I find it more convenient than the paperbacks.

    Last Christmas, I wanted a Kindle Paperwhite, but my fiancé got me an iPad. It’s not Kindle, but I’m okay with reading my books from iBooks. I just have to tweak its settings, so I don’t strain my eyes.

    • My niece reads my books on her little phone. I don’t know if I could read on something quite that small. My Nook has a setting where I can use a pale yellow background behind text. That’s really easy on my eyes, and I’m thinking the Paperwhite will take some getting used to. Even hardcover books don’t use bright-white paper. But we’re reading, Jae! And that’s what counts. 🙂

  10. I would prefer a hard cover book over all other media. But if I have to, I’ll read a book on my kindle. There is something so satisfying about reading a used book. There’s a history to it. From the writer to the most recent reader. There’s a history. I like that.

    • I never thought of it that way before, Renee. Considering most of my books are used – from libraries no less – there must be a ton of history in them. Now you’ll have me imagining all the people who had the book before me. 😉

      Have you ever heard of BookCrossing? You read a book and then leave it somewhere for someone else to pick up. The sticker inside the cover notes it as a free book for the person to take, read, and then pass on, too. The book is first registered with BookCrossing, and you can follow its travels.

      I first heard of this from WP blogger, Juliann, at She leaves books all over the world. For some reason, I thought this might interest you. 🙂

      • Yes, I try to think of the person that read the book before me. What their story was. Their history. How did they feel when they read the story. Were they captivated? Pissed off? What?

        I will most certainly check out Sounds like something super fun to do. 🙂 I will check out the blogger you referenced too. I’m so glad I commented on your post.

        Love, Renee

  11. I read blog after blog on my computer….but when it comes to reading books???? I still prefer to hold a real book in my hand. That being said….I have had a year with my Kindle Fire now……I am turning to it more often to read….it’s just not as easy to “curl” up with! I do love the push of the button factor on having a new book downloaded though.

    I am reading you, right now, my dear….and enjoying every moment! Also reading a hardback by Chris Guillebeau “The $100 Startup ~Reinvent the Way you Make a Living”. I read his “The Art of Non-Conformity” and it kicked-started me into starting my blog just over a year ago. But warning….don’t read unless you want inspiration! 🙂 Thanks for the book list and KEEP WRITING!!! ♥ hugs

    • Ooh, the $100 Startup. I will definitely take a peek at that one. 😉

      You know I am so tickled you are reading my book. Thank you. I’m halfway through this Evanovich title already, and I’m in the middle of John Daly’s “My Life in and Out of the Rough.”

      I wish I could read faster!! 🙂

  12. I have a really hard time reading books on my iPad. I just read the 2nd and 3rd books of the Hunger Games trilogy on it, and even though I read them quickly, I never felt very attached to them even though they were good books. Everyone around me reads on their kindle or notebook except for me. There is nothing I love more than holding a book in my hands – the smell of the pages, the texture of the paper against my fingers…love it!

    • Traci, yes! It is just like that. I never thought about it, but I do love the feel of the paper even. I try to pick out the most pristine book on the shelf in the bookstore when I buy new, and I take the jacket off while I’m reading. When I’m finished reading, the book is still like new when I put it on my bookshelf. And yes, there is less attachment when reading on my Nook. I wonder if that will change as I read on an eReader more this year.

  13. I definitely prefer reading a solid book in my hands over something electronic. The best place to get hardcover books is at Barnes and Noble in the clearance section. I always get Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series and anything by Iris Johansen there. Stunned I am a Plum fan? Since the early days, she’s hilarious. I did download two of Henry Rollins’ books in ebook format, but only because it was a good deal. I wish I had it in print. As for being behind on reading others’ pieces? I’m very behind. I have a novel by a friend I was supposed to read a few months ago, an on-going piece from a fellow NaNoWriMo-er I said I’d read and then sometimes my other writer friends give me their pieces as they write it. So I understand completely. Maybe if I’m well-behaved I will allow myself to get a hardcover Johansen book. I need to get ‘Bonnie’ in hardcover before it is gone.

  14. While I prefer real books, paperback as I’m poor and can’t afford hardcovers. In my little town there isn’t much sales for used hardcovers. I do have a Sony reader that I got for Xmas a few years ago. I do quite a bit of reading on it. As for the computer, it is really hard for me. Not for the distractions as I turn everything off but the Kindle for PC, but because I feel lost without that weight in my hands.

    As for what I will be reading this year? Who knows? 😉 My reading goes in spurts, I love mystery and suspense, also paranormal, and most other stuff thrown in if it has a good story line. It always surprises me what might catch my eye.

    • I tend to stay away from paranormal. I have a vivid imagination, and I am easily creeped out. Horror is definitely out. I haven’t read anything zombie or vampire yet, but I’m thinking I’ll try something in that realm this year – maybe. 🙂 I like to read things that just catch my eye, too.

      • by paranormal it’s usually stuff with vampires and zombies and things. More paranormal fantasy? Nothing scary. I don’t do horror either in books or movies. Too gross and then I have nightmares. There are actually some good vampire books out there (not Twilight crap). I have even read some good vampire/werewolf books that are fun and funny.

        • I see. I always think of paranormal as Poltergeist material. 🙂 Keri Peardon is a WP author, and she has an online vampire book that she continually adds chapters to. It’s my first foray into the world of vampires, and I like it quite a lot. … There is so much stuff to read!!!

  15. I don’t really have an eReader. I have the apps for my phone, but I like the experience of actually holding a book in my hand. Plus, paper books are generally still cheaper…

  16. The only thing I like more about reading books on my computer is that I can put my laptop on my lap (of course) in bed, and it is already propped up and ready to read. Books need to be held. But why I can’t get lost in an e-book on my computer like I can in a hard copy, I don’t understand.

    • A laptop is preferable to sitting at a computer/desk. That would be nice. And I agree – it’s hard to get lost in a book that isn’t being held in your hands. Over the years, we must have hard-wired our brains to hold books for enjoyment. I wonder if the next generation of children will feel differently and not enjoy holding a book?

  17. I also find it hard to read book on my PC… I sit too long in front of a computer and at some point I need to rest my back. I developed the habit of reading in bed one hour prior to mt sleeping time… Works better and I read more…

    • That’s a good idea, and that’s what I hope to do. I’m a night owl and don’t usually head up to bed until around 2:00 a.m. If I go to bed earlier, I’ll still be on my same schedule, but will be able to read more. The Nook Tablet is actually kind of heavy for reading in bed, so I think the Kindle Paperwhite will work better for me. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! 🙂

  18. Reading a book on kindle is far easier than reading it on a PC. PC’s make the eyes very tired…

    I love reading the ‘real’ books, but because there are so many authors out there with e-books I’ve started reading them on the ipad (which isn’t too bad because it’s light and I can take it anywhere 😉

    • Dianne, my eyes have gone downhill so much in the past year. Writing and blogging and reading blogs – so much time staring at the computer. I don’t wear glasses other than the magnifier type from the drugstore (for reading), but I bet I’ll need a prescription by April when I have to get my driver’s license renewed. 😦

      • Drats, I just typed out a whole reply on the little thing at the top right that drops down. Then I bumped the mouse & it all disappeared.
        Too many other activities take up my time, especially cartooning, blog & webcomic visiting, gym’ing 3 to 4 days a week, garden & yard work, learning to play my sax etc etc. Oh & going to work as well as about 8 hours a night sleeping. Imagine all the extra time we’d have if we didn’t need sleep? We live such busy lives don’t we???

  19. I have a rooted old-school Nook color (from two years ago), but is now an Andriod tablet, thanks to my uber-hot, uber-smart husband, and that is nice, except when it runs out of batteries and takes a decade to recharge. I like hardback because, well, they’re hot and ooze literary class. I also like paperback because if I drop it in the tub, I don’t have to hate myself for the next 3 months (hardcover book) or 3 years (Nook).

    Speaking of books: I want your other ones. You ought to send them to me because my birthday is next month and I am turning 32 and I hate that. (Also because my brother and sisters won’t be sending me gifts, or greetings, or phone calls, or even emails. Feel bad now.) I even forgot how old I was last time I was asked. I almost said 16, then I realized that was forever ago. :S Getting old sucks.

  20. I read on my Kindle Fire at work mostly on my breaks and will be taking it with me to the hospital next month. I am catching up on some of Heather Graham’s older books on the Fire. I am now trying out a new author to me, Debora Geary. I still get hardbacks from BOMC2 at the rate of one a month. I read anything by Nora Roberts, J.D. Robb, Catherine Coulter, Janet Evanovich(almost done with Notorious Nineteen), James Patterson, Jack Higgins, Jayne Ann Krentz and her other 2 pen names, Iris Johansen , Kay Hooper, Debbie Macomber, Nevada Barr, and many others. Most of these authors I read in hardback. Oh, there is one other that you might have heard of…Maddie Cochere?! I’ve read the first 5 Susan Hunter books and am anxiously awaiting the sixth!!

    • Barb!! I can’t believe you read all five of them, and so fast! Thank you so much. I’m delighted you were entertained by them. 🙂 I’m still wondering when I’ll start on the sixth, but once I do, I’m hoping it won’t take too long.

      Hospital next month? Do you have an extended stay coming up?

      I looked at Debora Geary’s website. I love her covers. I might have to look into them – after I read the WP books. 😉 I only have two more chapters in Notorious Nineteen. I hope to finish that tonight! I’ve really
      enjoyed it and think Tiki was a fun addition.

      • I liked Tiki, also. Too bad she sent him home!!
        Just a few days in the hospital, including Valentine’s day. Then a lot of rehab.
        I really am chomping at the bit for your next book!!

  21. My son got me a Kindle for Christmas. I’m having a little problem getting used to reading that way, although I have found it handy for my Bible at church. I can lay it beside me and keep my notebook in my lap to take notes, and then read the passage along with Pastor. I like that it’s not bulky like my Bible is, but yeah, I still like the book feel the best.

  22. I generally don’t read blogs the way I read a book. I don’t have any technological method for reading books, and I suppose I’m a relic. When that changes is likely when I am published…Very generous and sweet of you to set your goal to WP authors. Brave new worlds…

    • I was a relic until last year. Sometimes I feel like I’m being dragged into the technology age. … Yes, it is a brave new world reading WP authors. I’ll be reading fantasy, science fiction, and even a vampire book — all genres I don’t normally read, so I expect it to be interesting. I’ll have to occasionally post how it’s going. 🙂

    • Yes, I am, too. When I started my blog here, I didn’t realize there were so many authors – and the support that is offered. It seemed the most popular blog site, and it looked so easy, so I hopped on board. So glad I did!

  23. Like you I have a hard time reading on the computer due to distractions..”SQUIRREL!!!” I have an android tablet that kind of works sometimes. Most of the books I have read have either come from Library sales or ? Rumage sales. The last book I completed was by a very talented lady Maddie Cochere.
    I don’t read as much as I used to becuase of my interaction (me bugging people) on the internet and because of all my other hobbies.
    Right now I am readin’ Manga Studio for Dummies to help improve my cartoonin’ talents.

    I do intend to read your other books later this year. I bought an inexpensive android tablet and have not been well pleased with it. I hope to be able to get a Kindle Fire so I will be able to read and surf the net on the go.

    • So glad I retrieved this comment. Thanks for the reminder.

      Yes, those blasted squirrels! They are why I stay up so late at night. … Over the years, my husband and I have used Dummies books – mostly for computer things (we had computers in the days of DOS), and I think they’re great. I always thought of Manga as for Japanese anime, but I see it is recommended for Western drawing as well. Very cool.

      As I mentioned, I have a Nook Tablet, and I love taking it with me to pass the time while I wait on my mother at the grocery store, doctor’s office, etc. Once again, thanks for reading my book. ♥

  24. I love real books, not the ones on the computer or on those little gizmos. Give me an old fashion book any day. But I will admit I have enjoyed reading Susan Hunter Mysteries on my computer, I just finished “Windy City Hunter” as always Excellent !!
    When I turned 50 (yikes, where did the time go) Wally had book shelves built for me, taking up one whole wall. I have over 900 books (yes 900) that I just love. I went and bought a table, so now I have a library in my house. I love it. Real books!!

    • Rita Kay! You are the best! I can’t believe you’re done with Windy City Hunter already. And I do appreciate your reading the books on your computer. I also appreciate the upbeat and positive reviews you left for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 🙂 xoxoxoxo

      How many cookbooks are amongst those 900? Do you use cookbooks or do you cook everything from a little of this and a little of that? Wally was a dear to build bookcases for you – Rich “bought” three for me. 😉 It is wonderful having a library in the house – I agree!!

      • I have a little over 150 cookbooks. I do use some recipes when I cook but it’s mainly a “little of this and a little of that”. Wally had the book shelves built for me, he’s handy but not that good, oops did I say that out loud 🙂

  25. I know I left you a comment yesterday. It seems my comments are not showing up on several WordPress sites. I think I might be in a spam folder somewhere. I feel like a sandwich.

    • I love the printed page, too, Hook. My money goes a lot farther these days with my eReader though. I just moved your book from my computer to my new Kindle a few minutes ago. Yay! I hope to be reading it soon! 🙂

    • I used to be an avid reader. I think this is the year I’ll get back on track with reading. My new Kindle arrived today, and I just moved your book from my computer over to it – like 30 seconds ago – while I was writing this comment. 😉

  26. Oh dear Maddie, I have a secret admission I am a reader in remission and it is all due to WordPress I am old fashioned and love real books but now I spend most of my time following my “community” but I am library “junkie” but that is for non fiction.I have downloaded a few books and they are waiting for me when I have a spare moment….

    • Pauline, I used to devour books! Then, too much life got in the way. Last year, almost all of my reading was on WordPress. I do hope to get back to reading more books this year – hardcover and on eReader. I love the library, too!

      • We have fantastic libraries over here they have a great cataloque system and will even buy books you request, but you sometimes have to wait for a while.Also they are air-conditioned and I spend alot of time in them in the heat of summer

  27. Check out today’s post for a shoutout, Maddie. i wanted to devote more time and shine a deserving spotlight upon your work, but my life is crazy right now. I hope you’re pleased nonetheless…

    • You are so sweet! I took a quick peek and am delighted. I’ll be returning a shout out to you when I finish your book. … I have to dash out, but will get back to your blog in a bit to read your post more carefully. Thanks again, Hook. You’re very kind.

      • No problem!
        You may want to write me a shout out BEFORE you finish my book! My first book has been a learning experience and while I stand by The Bellman Chronicles, I’m the first to admit that I have miles to go as a writer/self-published author.

  28. I like my Kindle because it is only a reader. I deliberately bought the Kindle touch and bypassed the Fire – or whatever it is called. I have an ipad if I want to fiddle, but when I am reading I want to read, not be distracted. (besides, that way I can have the ipad next to me and read 2 screens at once). And actually the kids would just steal it to play Minecraft on if it did apps too. I have to ask my 3 year old if I want to borrow my phone back these days.

    • Hi Piper! I found the same thing out this weekend. I like the Kindle that is only a reader. When I would read on my Nook Tablet, I found myself checking email, slipping over to Netflix, reading blogs … with the Kindle, there are no distractions. … I understand about the kids wanting to play with our gadgets. 😉

  29. I do love the feel and smell of a new hardcover book! However, I have increasingly purchased books in ebook format for my nook — and received a new nook HD for Christmas which has been great! If it is a book I fall in love with, I just have to have a “hard” copy on my bookshelf still. ~ Kat

    • I understand, Kat! I just finished a hardcover book that I could have read on my Nook, but I wanted it with a dustjacket for my library. I love seeing books on my shelves. Plus, if I’m not downloading a bargain book, the savings isn’t that great between Kindle and hardcover. The book I just bought in hardcover was only $3.00 more than the Kindle version.

  30. Kindle, Nook… phooey!! Give me some paper between two covers that I can smell and write in the margins and drip food and drink on!! There, I hope I’ve demonstrated that I’m a forward-looking chap who’s open to new ideas… : P

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