When Blogging Takes a Back Seat


Just kidding!

It was a big job to pack and ship over 1,000 books, but they were finally shipped last week. I am officially out of the used book business.

I know I’ve missed a ton of great posts, and I know I can’t catch up with all of them, but I have started to read blogs again and will try to go forward with some regularity of stopping by to see what you all are up to. Here are some of the things I’ve been doing the past couple of weeks:

~ We finally have new neighbors. I’ve been keeping an eye onImage the Stairway to Nowhere to see what they do with it, but there is nothing to report yet. The family has a well-behaved dog who looks like Carl, so I’m assuming (based on the dog) that they will be good neighbors.

~ I’ve rediscovered glass in our house. I’ve enjoyed reading Dianne Gray’s adventures as her family has moved a rugby club onto their property and is now restoring it into a beautiful home. It has been lovingly dubbed The RUC, and it has some wonderful features including some vintage windows. Rich finally convinced me that the window in the upstairs bathroom is an oldie but goodie, and there is not a plastic laminate over it; it’s 100% glass:

ImageAnd this window hides behind a shade in a spare room that is only accessible through the bathroom, so I rarely remember the window is even there:


It’s double-paned glass with glass slats running up and down between the panes.

Image~ I read Carrie Rubin’s book, The Seneca Scourge. I enjoyed it very much. I stayed up until after 3:30 a.m. to finish it one night. I haven’t read a medical thriller in ages, and I had a hard time putting it down. Carrie, you made me cry in chapter six, and I had to grab a tissue while reading a few subsequent chapters, too. The funny thing was that no matter how many times the main character’s blonde hair was mentioned, I could only picture Sydney as Carrie! And Sydney/Carrie, you rock!

Image~ I read Matthew Iden’s book, A Reason to Live. I read it in two days, and thoroughly enjoyed this one, too. This style of book (murder, crime, suspense) is probably my number one genre to read, and Matthew didn’t disappoint. His main character of Marty Singer is likeable and easy to root for. A couple of events at the end of the book took me by surprise. I’m definitely reading the next two books in this series.

~ I’ve been cleaning and throwing things out. The room I work/write in has an echo now. I kind of like that. Most of the shipping boxes are gone from the house, but I still have to deal with packing peanuts and a few other packing materials.

ImageImage~ My hardcover books are finally on my bookshelves. The plastic shelving on the right holds the overflow. I’ve started reading A Decadent Way to Die by G. A. McKevett. She’s not a WordPress author, but I couldn’t resist the cheesecake on the cover of this one, and I want to hold a hardcover in my hands for a change. This book is in the Savannah Reid series of books. I’m only two chapters in, but so far so good.

Image~ I watched a marathon of Bar Rescue on Spike TV. It’s a bit like a train wreck, but I couldn’t look away.

~ I found a blog I must tell you about. Mr P’s Adventures. Mr P is a potato head! He has some Imagetype of adventure every day. The first time I saw one of his blog posts – happily orchestrated by Ohiophotogrl – I laughed out loud. I took the time to go back through the archives and look at every post from the beginning of the year. I was wonderfully entertained. The posts are usually short, and you can click an archived month and simply scroll down to see all the pictures and posts. You don’t have to click through to the actual post unless you want to leave a like or comment (which you will want to do as something will likely tickle your funny bone). The blog is family friendly, and your kids will enjoy seeing what each day holds for Mr P as well as to read his final daily comment: “Wonder what we are going to do tomorrow?” Please check it out!

~ I caught up with all of my business paperwork.

~ I’m nearly finished with an editing pass on Big Apple Hunter. I wanted to do this before Imagerepublishing with the new cover, and I’m happy that some small errors will now be fixed. But most of all, I’m finally ready to buckle down to continue writing Maple Leaf Hunter. My family is giving me pointers on Bigfoot creatures. Yes, that’s right. My two brothers believe in Bigfoot, and I’m putting one (or more) in my new book. Ghosts, a gorilla head, zombies, and now a Bigfoot. I’m still out of control!

Do you believe in Bigfoot? What do you do when your blogging takes a back seat?

117 thoughts on “When Blogging Takes a Back Seat

  1. It sounds like you’ve had a very busy time, Maddie! It’s great that all those books are gone (now you’ve got space, man!)

    I love the fact that you’ve got some beautiful old glass in your house – it looks fantastic! Well done (and thank you for the mention!) 😉

    I also have Carrie’s book and as soon as I’m finished the one I’m on now, I’ll be happily reading it in a hammock on the veranda at the RUC 😀

    As far as bigfoot goes – of course he exists! I love bigfoots (is that how you say it?) LOL 😀 Welcome back 😀

    • I originally wrote bigfoots, but wasn’t sure, so I changed it. Now that you’ve said bigfoots, I’m going to go with it. Bigfoots. 😉

      Carrie’s book is really good. A few days after I read it, there was a news article about China mixing bird flu with human flu to create a deadly super strain, and I thought, “Carrie is a psychic!”

      So glad you are close to hammock time on the veranda!!

        • Hahaha! Our son has become interested in quantum physics and positive thinking and says we should think positively about the success we want and then send our names, thoughts, and desires out into the universe. Put your Star Wars gear back on, go out into the back yard, stretch and dance and send your name out into the universe. That will work. 😉

  2. Maddie!!! Hi! My blogs have taken a back seat also as you know, because of my moving. I am more then ready to start again. I managed to still do Friday Fictioneers only because I love it so much. I’m glad you got your house back! Ah reading someone else’s books, I envy you. I would love to take the time to do that. I might have to after everything is unpacked. Maybe. I still have to finish writing part 2 for “The House of Mystery” on Etherbooks.com. Ack! So much to do! Can I come visit?? We’ll have a blast! hehe. 🙂

    • We would have a blast! It was really fun to read two books in one week. I haven’t done that in ages. I’m hoping to get back in the groove where I can follow blogs for a bit every day, but then carve a big chunk out for writing. The “used books” will be delivered tomorrow, and once I know they have arrived safely, I think all mental angst will be gone, and I can go full-steam ahead with my writing. I’m excited to get back to it and have had some new ideas in just the past few days. Yes, finish your writing for Etherbooks! 🙂

    • Hi Annie! I think I saw a haiku of yours go by in my reader a little bit ago. I’m going to head on up to bed shortly, but I’ll be over to your blog soon to catch up. I’ve missed you. … I wish your work could take a back seat, too.

      • this month and next are frantic – if I can get through those and have some time off in July I may just be ok 🙂

        on the other hand….maybe I should retire later this year or early next! hmmm

  3. I know what you mean about Carrie’s book. I too, couldn’t put it down! When my blog takes a backseat it usually means I’ve let the laundry pile up too long. Actually, it has been a bit quiet around my blog lately. I did have an in real life blogger meet up in NYC. It was dreamy!

    • How fun to meet another blogger. I’m not quite ready to do that yet. I don’t know why, but I will one day. When I get behind here at home -and- I’m behind reading and commenting on blogs, it sort of spirals into a depression, and I have to walk away for a while and do other things. It’s easier to come back at a later date and pick up “present day” rather than carry around guilt for being a bad blogger. Yep, I feel that way. But the breaks really do help my mental well-being.

  4. It sounds like you’ve been really productive, Maddie! Your bookshelves look awesome; I love seeing books lined up all neatly like that. 😀 Also, I’m glad to hear that you’re almost done with edits. Well done!

    • Having those books back onto my bookshelves makes me feel good – and makes me *want* to read more. Most of them are ex-library copies that I picked up for 50 cents, $1.00, or even free at library book sales. Yes, almost done. I’m really happy to have a good reason to republish that book. Thanks, Zen!

  5. My blogging is constantly taking a back seat to personal commitments. But that’s okay because it leaves my subconscious mind free to pick things up for future reference.
    I’m off to check on Mr :P’s adventures. Hugs to you and glad you’re back.

    • Hi Mary! I think it’s funny that I started blogging by publishing a post twice a day, then once a day, then a few times each week, and now I’m lucky if I get one up every two weeks. I’ve tweaked my follow list again, cut back on email notifications, and I think I’ll finally be able to settle into a manageable blog schedule – as long as I take occasional breaks. I never thought about the fact that the break might free up my subconscious mind. I have actually had several ideas for my new book while I haven’t been blogging.

    • Yes, I suppose it would be a good idea to have someone in the driver’s seat. 🙂 Thanks for noticing, Richard, but sometimes blogging needs to sit in the backseat – sort of like a punishment for getting too bossy and demanding.

      • Yes, I know how you feel. Sometimes I want it to take a back seat so I can get more writing done. No offence to all the fine bloggers out there but it can be distracting!

  6. Glad you liked the log. Mr P is my muse :0)
    Thanks for sharing him with your readers. We look forward to sharing our story with you. We are going to talk about you in our blog today :0) keep checking up in. You never know what we may do tomorrow?

    • I love your blog. I really don’t know how you don’t have a ton of followers. (People, go here: http://mrpsadventures.com/ ) It only takes a minute or two a day to see what Mr P is up to, and I always smile. I can’t believe how brave you are to ask people to pose with him – and how you get him into professional settings. I get such a kick out of you! 🙂

  7. The only time blogging takes a backseat is so I can either take care of of spend time with my children. Or to play a game…. Or to work…. Or to read….Or to sleep….

    • It does need a backseat pretty often, doesn’t it. I was a real addict there for a while – a long while! I simply could not stay away from blogs and would spend days on end here at WP. It’s good to use the back seat every once in a while.

  8. None of my stuff can never take a backseat because there are no seats on the Gatorhead bus. I just roam around and so whatever I feel like at the time. I know you are sitting there thinking it must have a drivers seat. “WRONG”
    The Gatorhead Bus doesn’t have a drivers seat or a steering wheel because on most of my endeavers they aren’t needed because usually I wind up losing my behind and not knowing which way to turn anyway.
    At least it looks like you are moving in the right directions. Keep up the good work.

    • I *always* visualize you in a rocking chair, Bo, so there is no need for a back seat in your world anyway. I like that you just go where the mood takes you. I think that’s great! I do feel like I’m going in the right direction, and I’m excited for this year. Thanks!

  9. Sometimes blogging breaks are necessary. I’ll be taking one myself soon. Glad you managed to get so much done. And thank you so much for your kind words about my book. As you know, positive readers’ comments keep us going when our current WIPs make us question our sanity. So I really appreciate your thoughtfulness (as well as the plug! 😉 )

    I was thinking of you recently. I did a promotion on Kindleboards for my book. For a reasonable price, they featured my book on their blog and FB, and also sent out a tweet. Gave me a nice little boost on Amazon. The ranking is dropping again now, but for a while, I was riding a nice wave. I think your book(s) would draw lots of attention. In case you’re interested: http://www.kboards.blogspot.com/p/authors.html

    • I’m happy to mention your book, Carrie. It’s well-written and a real page-turner. I truly couldn’t stop reading until I finished it.

      Thanks for the link for promotional ads. I’ll definitely be looking into them. I’ve been dragging my feet on doing any more marketing until after I get this second book republished. It doesn’t really matter, but as long as my first book is holding in the top 100 in a couple of categories, I’m trying to get more ducks in order before making another “push.” Glad you had success with your promo!

  10. Those books you mentioned look fascinating! Of course, I’m in the middle of reading no less than five books already at the moment…The great thing is after I’m done reading them, I pass them onto my mom who is a voracious reader herself.

    Blogging will have to take a backseat for me this summer. Last year I took one month of from blogging and it was good for me. But I still missed everyone around WordPress. (can’t seem to stay away long!) I plan to take another month off again this summer because it’ll be the last time I’m not working or going to college probably until I die. Gotta cherish the time with my kids.

    • My mom is a big reader, too, but we don’t read the same things. Her #1 genre is Amish fiction/romance. I think it’s good for us to take time away from blogging – when blogging isn’t our main job, of course. It feels so much better when you come back. Even short breaks away are helpful. Have fun with the kids this summer!

    • Hi Roy! Thanks for stopping by. So glad you grabbed Mr. Iden’s book. I don’t know him at all, but saw the book promo’d somewhere and picked it up. I realized later that he was here at WordPress, and I’m trying to support WP authors this year, so I read it right away based on the description and reviews. It moves along quickly, I love the ex-cop main character, and the book wasn’t offensive to a mostly PG-13 girl like me. I hope you enjoy it. (I suppose Mr. Iden does, too. ;-))

  11. We’ve missed your blogging, but can hardly fault you since you’ve been reading all those great books. I haven’t had much time to read lately and I miss it. Thanks for the book reco’s!

    • Do you still leave books around the world for others to take? That is still one of the coolest things I’ve ever heard of. It was good to take time to do nothing in particular, yet take care of some important things. Reading was a bonus! 🙂

  12. I sympathize, Maddie, I was away for a month, and I’m STILL trying to wade through a pile of blogs, catching up and seeing what everyone’s been up to. It’s not easy. Welcome back! I do not believe in Bigfoot, personally. Although I kind of wish he existed because I think it would be cool. I too have read Carrie’s book, it’s a good’un, isn’t it?

    • Carrie’s book was definitely fun. I certainly wasn’t expecting something other than a traditional medical thriller and was pleasantly surprised at her twist.

      I’m trying to give myself just a couple of hours each day to read blogs, but it’s hard to squeeze everyone in. I’m just going to do the best I can and stop feeling guilty. I will eventually see what everyone is up to.

  13. Isn’t get rid of stuff a great feeling? That was the best part of moving for me. I like rooms to have a bit of echo myself.

    Pretty glass.

    Off th check out Mr Ps adventures. I have a Mrs. P myself. Maybe she needs adventures. 🙂

    • It does feel good to pitch things, and I’ve decided I like minimalism for a decorating theme.

      Mr. P would probably like your Mrs. P. I get such a kick out of the things she does with that potato head. People are really nice to participate, too – like her dentist. 🙂

  14. You are one productive lady! When blogging take a backseat….I guess it’s because I have a boyfriend haha. I’ll be honest. 🙂

  15. My gosh, you are active. Where on earth did you send 1000 books to??

    Love this – very interesting, looking into your life. I want to know about the stairway to nowhere!!

    Blogging takes a back seat every week to me because work sucks the life out of me. I only breathe on weekends. It’s as sad as it sounds.

    • The 1,000 were boxed and shipped to a woman who will be opening a private lending library. She bought all of my inventory so I could retire.

      The Stairway to Nowhere is on the house next to ours. When the house was remodeled, a new backdoor and stairs were put in at the back of the house, but the old stairs to the side entrance were never removed. It was my post that was Freshly Pressed. There is a picture there of the stairs: https://breezybooksblog.wordpress.com/2012/10/08/stairway-to-heaven/

      I understand work sucking the life out you. It used to be that way for me when I worked in corporate America. I much prefer to be at home writing now. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  16. Good to see you back Maddie. How’s the travel plans coming along? At the moment all my spare time is taken up with being taken for walks by 2 energetic little dogs…

    • I was over to you blog this evening, Pauline. I can’t believe how much you are getting around with those dogs. 🙂 All of your pictures are so beautiful. We won’t be doing any major traveling this year, but we’ll be out on the motorcycle for day trips soon!

      • We are having a great adventure at the moment with more to come. Look forward to hearing about your day trips with the wind blowing through your hair 🙂

    • Hahaha. 🙂 Blogging. Sometimes I think I should put it in a box and put a lock on it. I follow too many really great people, and that makes for a lot of blogs to read. I’m getting a handle on my time little by little.

  17. Yay, you are back. I’ve been popping in to see what happened to you for, oh, feels like ages now! Glad everything is ok.
    Love the pic of your dog. She’s a cutie!
    When not blogging I am working. All the time at the moment, it’s quite pants. But I vaguely remember I did things like growing tomatoes and reading books. Must get. Hold on this work so I can get back to that.
    I’m going to check that blog you mentioned now. X

    • It was strange and fun all at the same time to read a couple of books. I squeezed one in around Christmas, but I don’t think I read more than three books last year.

      That’s our dog, Pete. He’s probably about ten years old now, and he’s fat! It’s going to be another week or two before I have a good routine down, but I see light at the end of the tunnel.

      I’ve been reading blogs for over four hours now. Well, I’m half watching television, too, but mostly reading blogs. I was only by your blog for one post tonight, but I’ve been sipping on a peach schnapps and 7-Up ever since. Pretty tasty. Thanks for that! 🙂

      • I guess my beagle could be fat by 10 too, she is a real scavenger and food thief! I have to clean up straight after eating or she climbs on the table and cleans the plates. At least our house is tidier now!

        Do they sell lilt where you are? I hadn’t had it for years and then tried it n holiday last year and was won over. It’s so refreshing. 7up would work but it won’t have the tropical kick. Experimenting time! 🙂

        • I had never heard of Lilt before. I wonder if Squirt would work better? It’s definitely more citrus. This isn’t unpleasant, but I can see where a citrus drink would work better than a simple lemon-lime.

          Our Pete is a food beggar! He didn’t used to get table scraps, but after the two big dogs died, we seem to have a hard time denying him pizza crusts and cookies.

          • Ive not heard of Squirt. Perhaps 7up with a dash of tropical fruit juice? Maybe we should be trying new cocktails each month! What’s your favourite?

            • I tend to go with things that are easy and on hand. In the summer, I like a Gin and Tonic late at night when I’m writing. Tanqueray and Tonic to be specific. I also like a Bloody Mary (spicy), and in the winter I like Drambuie over cracked ice.

              If I were to take the time make a proper cocktail, I’d choose a Pina Colada. Rum is always my first choice when it comes to beach/exotic drinks.

  18. Pingback: Project Optimism – Let’s get past the pants!

  19. Whoa… Hold back the reins!!
    Sure, Bigfoot exists as long as we think she does.
    I sew, garden, read, spin, crochet, study, research, play chess, cribbage, walk, hike, um… and more. 😀

    • My brothers have heard her, and she has scared them plenty, but they have yet to see her. She’s out there somewhere!
      I’m not surprised you do all those things. They all suit you. 🙂

  20. Hello Maddie,
    I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Award. Congratulations! I know you already have one, but still, enjoy!
    I took a break from blogging myself and finished my tween novel. Great feeling to type the final full stop, isn’t it?
    All the best,

    • Thank you so much! I’m out of the house again today, but will be over this evening to read all about it.
      Congratulations on finishing your novel! Yes, it is definitely a great feeling! 🙂

  21. My blogging has taken a major back seat due to health issues, sad to say. But I guess that’s ok, I’ll have something to blog about when I get better LOL 🙂

  22. oh, my…how do you manage to get all of what you do done? impressive! you really inspire me to stop being lazy…gosh, i gotta go now and hey, thanks for the motivating post! ☺

    • Hi Sunshine! I’m catching up this morning. 🙂

      Other than clearing out my used book business – and editing the book – quite a bit of that was down time … reading books, watching television, finding a new blog. It was good to take some time to relax. Sometimes putting up a blog post and reading blogs is like a full-time job. I suppose that’s because I follow so many great people and want to read everything. 😉

      • okay. i feel better now knowing you managed the super task blitz while you held blog time in idle…whew. i think sometimes blog life mirrors our life stages: infant through childhood years, relatively easy & manageable. come adulthood and whoa! well, you know…☺

    • Rosalie, sometimes I think I run in circles here. But it’s usually fun circles. We live in a 108-year-old house, and even though it was remodeled a time or two, there are still some great old features. Thanks so much for stopping by! 🙂

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